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About This Wish

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A Hershey Park pass so Ellis can have lots of fun

Posted Oct 6, 2023
Ellis loves Rollercoasters and would love to go to Hershey Park all year long! He got to go this summer and had so much fun. But he didn't get a chance to ride Candymonium, and he is super excited to try it. He would love to get a gift card so he can buy a King Size season pass. He will have so much fun, all year long!

Ellis is 14 years old and lives in PA

Ellis is a quiet but very bright boy who loves to play Xbox. His favorite sport is football and he even joined the football team this year. He likes to hang out with the other children in his home and his house parents and enjoys the school he attends. He is shy at first glance, but once he opens up, he begins to talk and loves to do activities together. Ellis says that his love language is food as he enjoys eating and is not picky at all. He is very kind and good with all ages, especially young children. He is always looking out for the toddlers and babies in the home as he cares about them very much.

The Wish Story

Christ's Home requests this wish for Ellis.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Giving Tuesday grants the wish for Ellis! Thanks Giving Tuesday.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Christ's Home for Ellis.

Christ's Home receives the wish!

Ellis receives the gift from Christ's Home!

"Thank you so much for fulfilling this wish! He will be so excited to be Hershey park happy all summer!!"

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