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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Makeup for Samantha who loves to try new looks

Posted Oct 6, 2023
Samantha loves to do make-up and having the ability to go out to the store and purchase her own supplies would be amazing! She has not had many belongings of her own in the past and she would love to have some make up items so she can practice new looks on her foster mom and herself.

Samantha is 15 years old and lives in OH

Samantha has been through much in her life and was recently placed in a loving home with her foster mom. She was very shy and scared at first but quickly came out of her shell. Samantha loves to do make-up and listen to music. She is doing well in school now and is looking into signing up for an art class at the local YMCA.

The Wish Story

The Bair Foundation requests this wish for Samantha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Samantha! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Samantha, I hope you enjoy this gift! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Bair Foundation for Samantha.

The Bair Foundation receives the wish!

Samantha receives the gift from The Bair Foundation!

"Thank you so much for the Ulta gift! We know that Samantha will love to be able to purchase all the things she wants to try. The Bair Foundation truly appreciates your kindness. "

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