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About This Wish

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A Halloween costume so Evan can accompany his younger brothers trick or treating

Posted Oct 6, 2023
Evan would love the devil Halloween costume so he can look cool on Halloween. There is a party being held at school, and then after school, he will trick or treat with his younger brothers. Evan is beginning to fit in at school, and this great costume will help him continue being a confident young teen

Evan is 15 years old and lives in NJ

Evan is a pensive and responsible young man. He is not residing with his five younger brothers presently, because being apart from them temporarily is giving him a chance to be a child. Before he was removed from his mother, he took on a parental role and felt responsible if his younger brothers did not behave or if the house was not in order. He now has time to spend with friends, play basketball and fish - all activities he loves to do.

The Wish Story

CASA of Bergen County requests this wish for Evan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Sandra grants the wish for Evan! Thanks Sandra.

"Dear Evan, happy Halloween! Have fun at school. I’m sure your brothers will be so excited to trick or treat with you! Hoping you all get lots of candy. With love from a friend "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA of Bergen County for Evan.

Evan receives the wish from CASA NJ - Bergen County

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