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A new My Little Pony for Selena to add to her collection

Posted Oct 17, 2023
It has been a long time since Selena has gotten a new My Little Pony. She has asked for a Sunny Starscout to her add to her collection. This new generation rainbow reveal has a comb to brush her hair, barrettes, and headband. It also comes with some cool accessories likes stickers, a book for Selena to read, and a purse to carry around her neck. This would be a lovely gift for Selena to enjoy.

Selena is 7 years old and lives in WA

Selena's favorite thing right now is My Little Pony. Selena also likes stuffed animals. Selena loves live animals as well and one day wants to own a Pony. Selena enjoys arts and crafts. Selena likes to decorate her room by hanging posters on her wall.

The Wish Story

Department of Children Youth and Families requests this wish for Selena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Selena! Thanks Awesome Human.

"We hope you enjoy your new toy. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children Youth and Families for Selena.

Department of Children Youth and Families receives the wish!

Selena receives the gift from Department of Children Youth and Families!

"Thank you, Awesome Human, for granting Selena's wish. She is so happy to have a new My Little Pony. "

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