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Mini Chistmas mugs for Misty who loves to play

Posted Oct 22, 2023
Misty likes to play house and play with her stuffed animals. She would love these mugs to not only pretend with but have real hot cocoa with her siblings for a special treat. She reminded me not to forget the marshmallows. Misty can use her special mugs to invite her siblings to play with her and branch out.

Misty is 6 years old and lives in SD

Misty is very quiet and introspective. She enjoys her time to dream and pretend play. She is very independent and loves forts or places she can "hide out." Misty is kind and sweet.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

NaTasha grants the wish for Misty! Thanks NaTasha.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Social Services for Misty.

Misty receives the gift from Department of Social Services!

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