Sensemilla is a hard working young woman who had a rough time in her childhood. She is determined to make the most of what she has and is fighting to better her life. She enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and is excited to build a life together.
Foster Alumni Mentors requests this wish for Sensemillia.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Alumni Mentors for Sensemillia.
"Hi Sensimillia, Hope your little one enjoys his new coat. Keep up the great work of taking care of your family and yourself. Wishing you a happy holiday season. B & A "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Alumni Mentors for Sensemillia.
Sensemillia receives the gift from Foster Alumni Mentors!
"We are so grateful and applicative for your help keeping our youngest warm this winter! Thank you for your generosity :) "