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A Paw Patrol toy for Louis because he loves the cartoon

Posted Nov 1, 2023
Paw Patrol is Louis' favorite show in the world! He loves watching the characters "save the day" and knows all of their names by heart. At the store he showed is foster mom which toy he likes the best and it would make a great Christmas gift for him! They are building blocks so they will help him with his coordination as well.

Louis is 2 years old and lives in NC

Louis is a bright, bubbly toddler who has found his legs and loves to RUN!! He is energetic and friendly, and loud when he wants to be! Everyone finds him a joy to be around, even when he has his mischievous moments. He is truly a great child and seems to be thriving in his environment. Louis is doing great in preschool and is always looking for hands-on activities!

The Wish Story

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County requests this wish for Louis.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Louis! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas Louis!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County for Louis.

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County receives the wish!

Louis receives the gift from Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County!

"Thank you so much for Louis's new Paw Patrol blocks! He is going to love opening this up for Christmas! "

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