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About This Wish

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A guitar stand for Kristian to safely store her guitar

Posted Nov 3, 2023
Kristian was given a used guitar. She wished for some strings, a strap and a case. Now, she would like to have a guitar stand. This way if she is not done playing it for the day, she doesn't have to take it in and out of the case all day. She can put it on the stand, and easily come back to play it later.

Kristian is 7 years old and lives in WA

Kristian loves music, dancing, and singing. She also enjoys being outside when the weather is nice so she can ride her bike. Kristian loves princesses and stuffed animals, and her favorite color is pink. She enjoys wearing dresses, skirts, and bows in her hair. Kristan loves to have stories read to her, and she enjoys reading.

The Wish Story

Department of Children Youth and Families requests this wish for Kristian.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kristian! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Keep practicing your guitar! It can be your best friend at times! I know my guitar is!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children Youth and Families for Kristian.

Department of Children Youth and Families receives the wish!

Kristian receives the gift from Department of Children Youth and Families!

"Thank you, Awesome Human, for granting Kristian's wish. She is so happy to have a stand to use for her guitar during the day. "

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