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Louisville Slugger softball bat for Caitlyn who is a power hitter

Posted Nov 5, 2023
Caitlyn loves playing softball and is an excellent player. She pitches and plays first base. She is a power hitter but has never had her own cool bat. Her favorite bat is this Louisville Slugger bat that she has begged for and now has it on her Christmas lists. She would be such an excited young lady to own this bat for herself!

Caitlyn is 16 years old and lives in AL

Caitlyn is a very smart little girl who loves playing volleyball and softball. She loves to help her younger brother with crafts and cooking and she loves to play baseball with her older brother. She has even considered playing baseball instead of softball. Caitlyn wants to be a Neurosurgeon when she grows up and has a goal for herself to receive multiple scholarships for college. She has lived with her grandparents since she was 4 years old along with her 2 brothers. She has really struggled with it because she was always her mother's little princess before she started putting a dangerous lifestyle ahead of her children.

The Wish Story

Grandparents As Parents requests this wish for Caitlyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Caitlyn! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grandparents As Parents for Caitlyn.

Caitlyn receives the wish from Grandparents As Parents

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