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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A phone for Paul to keep him self safe and in touch with the ones he loves

Posted Dec 5, 2023
Paul recently broke his phone. Paul spends a lot of time at school and doing extra curriculars, but now has no way of being reached. Paul would like a phone to able to contact his guardians.

Paul is 17 years old and lives in NJ

Paul is a goal driven young man currently living at a transitional living program. Paul loves to play ice hockey and play the piano and guitar. Paul has been working hard on obtaining his first job while going to school full-time. Paul aspires to be a musician one day and have a home of his own.

The Wish Story

Ocean's Harbor House requests this wish for Paul.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

George grants the wish for Paul! Thanks George.

"My phone was my lifeline while I was in school. Hope this helps you and best of luck!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Ocean's Harbor House for Paul.

Ocean's Harbor House receives the wish!

Paul receives the gift from Ocean's Harbor House!

"Thank you so much for the phone. I love it so much. This has already helped me out so much!"

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