A cushioned floor mat to keep Monty safe while playing and climbing
Posted Nov 7, 2023
Monty loves to play and climb around on everything and is hoping to get a Montessori climber for Christmas. Monty will need something padded to go under his climber to keep him safe in case he falls, and this cushioned floor mat will be perfect for his needs. This floor mat is reversible and has a cute pattern on one side and a colorful world map on the other, and it will match his room perfectly! Monty and his foster parents will be so grateful and excited for him to receive this on Christmas morning!
The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Monty.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
William grants the wish for Monty! Thanks William.
"Enjoy the gift, stay safe!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Monty.
The Buckeye Ranch receives the wish!
Monty receives the gift from The Buckeye Ranch !
"Thank you so much for thinking of Monty! This floor mat has been extremely helpful in keeping him safe while he plays!"