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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Ice Cream maker for Nazi to have quality time with his family

Posted Nov 8, 2023
Nazir loves ice cream and enjoys seeing things being made from start to finish. This would be a great gift for him to be able to see the process of making ice cream from a liquid to the soft serve he knows and loves. This will also allow him to have some quality time with his foster family during some down time.

Nazir is 19 years old and lives in MD

Nazir is a very happy young man who enjoys ice cream and spending time with his foster family. Nazir loves to be involved in making things with his hands and keeping himself busy.

The Wish Story

Children's Choice requests this wish for Nazir.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nazir! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Bananas can be used to replace some of the ingredients in ice cream. I hope you get to try some interesting recipes with the maker."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children's Choice for Nazir.

Children's Choice receives the wish!

Nazir receives the gift from Children's Choice !

"To say “thank you” seems so small in comparison to your gift. We know, “it wasn’t that much…” but it was to a child who has had a lot of sadness in their lives. To them, your gift represents someone they don’t know taking time to consider them. To them, your gift means that someone they never met was thinking about them in a time when that is not a common occurrence. Thank you for taking the time, for spending the money, for your consideration to those who don’t have much. Have a blessed Christmas season and a wonderful 2024 year! "

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