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Calculator for Tyrone to help him get through his studies this semester

Posted Nov 7, 2023
Tyrone is in his Junior year at Rutgers and is taking a full course load this semester. In order to be prepared for his Intro Math Thought class, Tyrone must have a TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator, which will help him complete assignments and exams. Please consider supporting Tyrone so he can work towards a successful semester at Rutgers Camden.

Tyrone is 24 years old and lives in NJ

Tyrone is a joy to spend time with. He is studying Music Education with the hope of becoming a music teacher in his home community after graduation. He is a resilient young man who has overcome many hurdles to be a student, and he takes advantage of all the opportunities available to him. As an integral part of the community, he is a Raptor Ambassador with the Admissions office, participates in several student success clubs and sings in the campus choir.

The Wish Story

Camden Fellows, Rutgers University requests this wish for Tyrone.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Tyrone! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Education is the platform for adventure ! How this helps you platform to many adventures "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Camden Fellows, Rutgers University for Tyrone.

Tyrone receives the wish from Camden Fellows, Rutgers University

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