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A McDonalds gift card for Daniel who loves to go out for lunch

Posted Nov 13, 2023
Daniel has spent most of his life in residential care and just recently become more comfortable going out to eat. His favorite place to go is McDonalds. He loves their cheeseburgers with extra pickles and a chocolate shake. He would love a gift card so he is able to go whenever he and the staff are out and about.

Daniel is 16 years old and lives in ME

Daniel is an amazing human and loves to be around people. He is always asking for a hug or a tickle or a snuggle on the couch. He also loves it when someone reads to him. While he has lived in residential care for over 5 years, and hasn't seen any of his biological family for almost 2 years, he is so resilient! Daniel has made the staff and other residents at the group home his family. His favorite thing to do is make them laugh by telling jokes and making silly faces. If there is a camera nearby, he's in front of it asking you to take video and pictures. He loves to be outside in the sunshine, exploring the woods and splashing in the creek and puddles. While he will sometimes say he misses being in a traditional home, his situation hasn't dampened his love of life, family, friends, and adventure!

The Wish Story

Wendy's Wonderful Kids requests this wish for Daniel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Mark grants the wish for Daniel! Thanks Mark.

"Hope you get to have something delicious! Those chocolate shakes are the best."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Wendy's Wonderful Kids for Daniel.

Wendy's Wonderful Kids receives the wish!

Daniel receives the gift from Wendy's Wonderful Kids!

"Daniel is so excited to get his feed on! He sends a huge thank you for thinking of him and his belly!"

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