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About This Wish

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Sensory comfort ball for Hope who is nonverbal

Posted Nov 14, 2023
Hope recently had a major surgery on her mouth and has struggled with discomfort since. She recently re-entered foster care, with very few comfort items of her own. She is nonverbal and recently diagnosed with Autism. Her foster parents have noticed her preference for soft, large stuffed animals that she can rock with, which soothes her. Hope deserves comfort items to call her own and may find warmth in having her own comfort ball to embrace when ever she needs it.

Hope is 4 years old and lives in ME

Hope is a sweet young lady who recently came into foster care for the second time in her young life. She was recently diagnosed with autism. Hope is nonverbal and unable to vocalize her needs, though responds well to comfort items. Hope recently entered her first daycare program! She is thriving with the services and supports in this environment and in her new foster home. She likes animals, playing outside, sensory toys, and paw patrol.

The Wish Story

Department of Health and Human Services requests this wish for Hope.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Hope! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Health and Human Services for Hope.

Hope receives the wish from ME DHHS - Cumberland County

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