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About This Wish

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A camera for Ari to document life experiences

Posted Nov 20, 2023
Ari is one of the most excited and curious people you'll ever come across. She's super passionate about capturing the beautiful moments of life and has recently taken up photography as a way of self-care. Ari loves the vibrant colors of nature and enjoys spending time outdoors. She's excited for her college years and can't wait to make new friends and create wonderful memories. It's no surprise that photography runs in her family - her Abuela was a photographer herself and has always inspired Ari to explore the art of photography. Ari is eager to learn more from her Abuela and discover how photography can be a part of her daily life.

Ari is 19 years old and lives in CA

Ari Tippett is a passionate and dedicated individual majoring in Psychology and minoring in Spanish Education. With dreams of helping children and making the world a better place, Ari is deeply committed to supporting those around her. Ari currently works as an EOP front desk assistant, serving underrepresented students from low-income families and first-generation scholars. Her work brings her immense joy, as it allows her to create a safe and nurturing environment for others. Ari’s career aspirations are rooted in her desire to serve and uplift children, helping them thrive in a positive learning environment. She firmly believes that she is meant to help others and is always willing to give her all to ensure that people feel supported and cared for. Ari sees everyone as family and is unwavering in her commitment to be there for others, offering guidance and love whenever it is needed.She knows what it's like to go without and to not always have the things that others might take for granted. Despite these hardships, she has never lost her kind and generous spirit.

The Wish Story

California State University, Long Beach requests this wish for Ari.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Parberger Family Fund grants the wish for Ari! Thanks Parberger Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the California State University, Long Beach for Ari.

California State University, Long Beach receives the wish!

Ari receives the gift from California State University, Long Beach!

"Dear, Parberger Family Fund Thank you for your generosity and for your kindness! I am heading to Seattle tomorrow and it came just in time and I am so excited to be able to capture these memories! I hope you are doing well and that you are having a wonderful start to your year! Best, Ari "

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