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About This Wish

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An audio player for adventurous A'alani

Posted Nov 23, 2023
A'alani is a curious and creative young child. She loves to play music, sing, and dance. She is growing her vocabulary every day and enjoys "reading" books on her own or having her caregivers read to her. An audio player would allow A'alani to grow her imagination and learn new words at the same time!

A'alani is 2 years old and lives in OH

A'alani is an amazing young girl who is currently placed in a foster home. A'alani is a very sweet child who always has a smile for everyone she meets. A'alani is learning and growing everyday and amazes her caregivers with her intelligence and bravery! Some of A'alani's favorite activities include swimming, singing, and dancing!

The Wish Story

Beech Acres Parenting Center requests this wish for A'alani.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Cheryl grants the wish for A'alani! Thanks Cheryl.

"Enjoy your audio player, A’alani! Happy Holidays!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Beech Acres Parenting Center for A'alani.

A'alani receives the wish from Beech Acres Parenting Center

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