Kayla is a sweet, caring, and quiet young girl who loves to journal, write short stories, watch her favorite shows, and enjoy adult coloring books! Kayla has been in care for many years and has struggled to find a place to call home. Despite many issues she has faced through no fault of her own, she maintains a sweet disposition and happy-go-lucky demeanor. She is always happy to see her adoption recruiter and enjoys coloring or going out for coffee. She is happy to stay home and binge-watch shows but also excited to have opportunities to go out on the town to run errands or shop.
Focus on Youth, Inc. requests this wish for Kayla.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Kayla! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Dear Kayla, Enjoy your Bath and Body Works fragrances! My favorite soap/bubble bath is Strawberry Pound Cake...although it makes me hungry for poundcake! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and take many fragrant baths with your new scents. xx Stefanie"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Kayla.
Focus on Youth, Inc. receives the wish!
Kayla receives the gift from Focus on Youth, Inc.!
"Kayla received her gift card on 12/12/2023 and was so excited to go shopping! She has a planned trip this week to purchase lotions and body spray. She asked that her gratitude be shared with the granter of her wish! "