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Apple Watch for Anthony to stay active and communicate with family

Posted Dec 7, 2023
Anthony is really into staying active and wants to get an Apple Watch to track his activity and help him keep in touch with his foster parents while he's out skateboarding with his friends. Having a watch would not only help him stay connected but also ensure his safety by allowing his parents to track his location.

Anthony is 17 years old and lives in CA

Anthony is very adventurous and brave. He is quick to tag along on hikes and is a skilled skateboarder. He says he learned to skateboard when he was four years old and would love to become a professional skateboarder like Tony Hawk when he grows up.

The Wish Story

Hannah's Children's Homes requests this wish for Anthony.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Venmo grants the wish for Anthony! Thanks Venmo.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Hannah's Children's Homes for Anthony.

Anthony receives the wish from Hannah's Children's Homes

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