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About This Wish

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Shopping trip for Laylani to pick out some great clothes

Posted Nov 28, 2023
Laylani has spent the majority of her young adult life living out of duffle bags and wearing hand-me-downs. She has never had the experience or ability to choose something for herself, let alone the simple joy of shopping. Laylani longs for the opportunity to have a shopping experience, to choose and pick out items that reflect her taste and style.

Laylani is 19 years old and lives in FL

Laylani is an exceptional young adult with a heart of gold. Her creative talents shine through in painting, drawing, and, notably, dancing. She actively participates in competitive dance, consistently securing top-three placements. She looks forward to attending college. Laylani's future looks incredibly bright.

The Wish Story

South Florida Wellness Network requests this wish for Laylani.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Matthew grants the wish for Laylani! Thanks Matthew.

"Happy Holidays!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the South Florida Wellness Network for Laylani.

Laylani receives the wish from South Florida Wellness Network

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