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Hair care gift set for Sarah who loves to take great care of herself

Posted Nov 29, 2023
Sarah is experimenting with her own style and loves doing her hair. Sarah has beautiful, long chestnut locks that she takes care of religiously. Sarah has asked for hair accessories for Christmas so that she can express herself in her own unique way.

Sarah is 14 years old and lives in NE

Sarah is a bright intelligent, beautiful big sister who always looks out for her siblings. Sarah loves science and math and absolutely excels in school. Sarah's favorite color is purple and her absolute favorite holiday is Halloween. Sarah enjoys Saturday night sleepovers with her friends and pizza parties just for fun. Sarah is an optimistic and incredible young lady who has found a way to be positive and persevere even when things got hard for her family.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kelly grants the wish for Sarah! Thanks Kelly.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children and Family Services for Sarah.

Sarah receives the wish from NE DHHS - Platte County

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