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About This Wish

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Headphones for Preston to listen to music on his daily commute

Posted Dec 1, 2023
Preston enjoys listening to music and audio books from various authors. Preston would love a new pair of headphones for Christmas, he will benefit from new headphones to utilize on his commute to his new college campus.

Preston is 23 years old and lives in CA

Preston is a bright young adult with a promising future ahead of him. As a former foster youth with a lot of moving around and adjusting, he has developed a resilient and strong outlook on life. Preston continues to strive for success, he is currently a full time student in community college and on track to transfer to a university to study business. Preston strives to create his own fashion clothing line and own a business one day.

The Wish Story

Walden Family Services requests this wish for Preston.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Preston! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Preston, I hope you are doing well, congratulations on being in college! It's such an exciting and sometimes challenging time. I hope the headphones make your daily commute more enjoyable. One time I was on my commute and missed my stop because I was so engrossed in my book! I also really enjoy audiobooks from my library. Your bio notes you're at a new school - good luck with your new school and may you continue to experience the incredible empowerment of education and knowledge."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Walden Family Services for Preston.

Preston receives the wish from Walden Family Services

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