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An Xbox for Elijah so he can play his late dad's games

Posted Dec 4, 2023
Elijah's father had an Xbox before he passed away that they played together. Now he wants his own Xbox to play his dad's old Xbox 360 games. He has games like dance and bowling and physical activities so it's not always just sitting and playing video games. He does have limits on his screen time and screen time is a great reward for getting all his chores and homework finished first. It also takes his mind off some of the things he worries about. Elijah would be on cloud nine if he were to receive this gift! He has a bike, and he loves to get outside and play a lot too but having a gaming system is a good break and fun to play when it is raining or cold outside.

Elijah is 11 years old and lives in FL

Elijah is such a smart little boy who enjoys school and never wants to miss. He is doing school work 2 grade levels above him. He likes to watch videos about volcanoes and knows a lot about them. He is being raised by his grandmother after being found walking over 3 miles from his home.

The Wish Story

Grandparents As Parents requests this wish for Elijah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Elijah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Elijah - wishing you a very merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy your Xbox! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grandparents As Parents for Elijah.

Elijah receives the wish from Grandparents As Parents

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