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A spa day for Mykia who needs to relax her body after long work hours

Posted Dec 6, 2023
Mykia has been giving back up support at her busy mailing service job. Due the busy holiday season, the hours are long, and the business is short-staffed. Mykia could use a spa day to help her relax sore body. A gift card from Massage Envy will allow Mykia to pick the treatment of her choice that will bring her instant relief.

Mykia is 26 years old and lives in CA

Mykia is a former foster youth who has recently aged out of the system. She is a sweet and caring person who enjoys collecting small items like stationery, pins, and stickers. Mykia holds her loved ones close to her heart and is very protective of them. Currently, she is close to completing her CNA Nursing program, as she wants to make her father proud. When she is not busy with school and work, she loves spending time with her partner and his family.

The Wish Story

Pivotal requests this wish for Mykia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Carla grants the wish for Mykia! Thanks Carla.

"You are a hardworker who needs to take care of herself sometimes. I hope this helps. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Pivotal for Mykia.

Mykia receives the gift from Pivotal !

"Thank you so much for your lovely gift of relaxation, Carla. I have already booked my appointment. I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I am so grateful. "

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