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Clothes for Terrance who is growing rapidly

Posted Dec 12, 2023
Terrance is the older of his two siblings and has seen a lot for his age. He always has to share and or wait his turn to get new clothes. He is having trouble fitting in at school because his family cannot provide adequate clothing for him as he is growing rapidly. (Doctors think he may be 6ft tall by the age of 12) It would make him feel so loved and happy this holiday season if he could wake up and open gifts just for him. This will also help him fit in at school with the new kids.

Terrance is 11 years old and lives in GA

Terrance is a bright young man with a promising future. He is so smart for his age that he has advanced to the next grade level. He has had some tough times adjusting to the older kids, but he does it with a smile. He is a super happy kid. He loves all things sports. He hopes to play in the NBA one day. His favorite basketball player and Idol is Lebron James.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Terrance.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Charles grants the wish for Terrance! Thanks Charles.

"Hello Terrance, Enjoy this gift, the holidays and have a Happy New Year!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Terrance.

Terrance receives the gift from Think of Us!

"Thank you so much, your help is truly appreciated! Happy holidays."

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