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About This Wish

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A tablet for Jerome who loves reading

Posted Dec 12, 2023
Jerome says that if he had his tablet, it would be “better” because he could learn more. He says he wants to play math games and practice things he learns in school. Because he is 7 years old, he would benefit from a kid-friendly tablet that is sturdy and loaded with learning apps. He will be so excited to unwrap this blue Amazon Fire tablet on Christmas morning!

Jerome is 8 years old and lives in NC

Jerome is a charismatic child who is loved by all members of his school community. He is an English language learner who, while still significantly below grade level, is making progress in leaps and bounds in his English acquisition and all areas of academics. He particularly loves school and has a captivating smile. Jerome loves all things hands-on, including Legos, fidgets, and Jenga. He also likes Pokémon. His favorite animal is a cat. In his new foster home, he is teaching his new family Spanish words while his foster siblings are supporting him in learning academics. Jerome would like to be a police officer when he grows up.

The Wish Story

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County requests this wish for Jerome.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jerome! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Jerome, Keep learning and i hope you achieve your dream of becoming a police office to do good in the world. Merry Christmas, Tim O"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County for Jerome.

Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County receives the wish!

Jerome receives the gift from Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County!

"Thank you so much for granting Jerome's wish for a tablet! He is so excited to keep learning! Happy New Year. "

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