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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A mountain bicycle for Noah so he is able to get to work

Posted Jan 10, 2024
Noah does not have his driver's license yet and used his bike to get to work. Unfortunaly, his bike was stolen and was it was his only means of transportation. He is in need of a new bike to get him around. Being a successful independent young adult is his primary goal. A new bike would help him maintain employment and run errands.

Noah is 19 years old and lives in MO

Noah is a young man who aged-out of foster care and was immediately homeless. He "couch surfed" and stayed in hotels for almost a year until finally securing safe, permanent housing. Noah has been working hard to maintain his apartment and has a part-time job. He also recently found out that he will be a father soon, so he has been saving money to provide for his son.

The Wish Story

Faith Bridge requests this wish for Noah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Geri grants the wish for Noah! Thanks Geri.

"I hope some day you have the chance to pay this forward. Read the poem "Invictus." The last two lines have always resonated with me. Good luck and God bless. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Faith Bridge for Noah.

Noah receives the wish from Faith Bridge

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