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Joseph has wish for a new KC Chiefs blanket to keep warm this winter

Posted Dec 21, 2023
Joseph would love to have a new warm blanket with the KC Chiefs logo. He wants to be able to put it on his bed while keeping warm this winter. He loves Missouri sports teams and KC Chiefs is his pick this season!

Joseph is 17 years old and lives in MO

Joseph is described by all who meet him as extremely friendly! He has been moving often and this has been a struggle for him. He is very social and likes to be around other people. He gets along very well with peers and adults and always remembers people he has met before. Joseph LOVES sports! Basketball, football and soccer are his favorites, but he would watch or play any sport and any team! He is a fan of all Missouri teams, but would be willing to support your team, as long as they’re not playing against Missouri teams! Joseph plays on his school's basketball and football teams. He is an active young man and likes to be outside and busy. While he has his favorite activities, he’d be willing to try anything new, especially if you do it with him. School is a real strength for Joseph. He enjoys going to school, and like everywhere else he goes, the students and teachers like having him there!

The Wish Story

Abilities First requests this wish for Joseph.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Anne grants the wish for Joseph! Thanks Anne.


One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Joseph.

Abilities First receives the wish!

Joseph receives the gift from Abilities First !

"Dear Anne, Thank you for my KC Chiefs blanket! It the warmest and best blanket I have ever used. I love it so much! I will wear this out I am sure for years to come. Thank you for granting my wish! "

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