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About This Wish

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A special meal for JoAnna to share with a friend

Posted Dec 22, 2023
JoAnna has a lot on her plate. She works, has two children, is helping raise another child, and is trying to get back into college. JoAnna would like to have a special meal that she could share with a friend. A night out would really mean a lot to her.

JoAnna is 25 years old and lives in NM

JoAnna only discusses her time in foster care in vague terms. She has talked about her foster sister, and they maintain regular contact. JoAnna has multiple mental health diagnoses as well as health conditions. She has been working to get SSI, and she recently had a first surgery of several that are needed. JoAnna is a mother to two young children who enjoys spending time with her family. JoAnna is excited to start school and wants to get her bachelor's degree. JoAnna loves her children so much and wants to give them all the best!

The Wish Story

Children, Youth, and Families Department requests this wish for JoAnna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for JoAnna! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you enjoy your dinner! You're doing great and you got this. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Children, Youth, and Families Department for JoAnna.

JoAnna receives the wish from NM CYFD - Bernalillo County

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