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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Curtains for Aubriana who wants to make her bedroom more cozy

Posted Dec 27, 2023
Aubriana is looking to spruce up her bedroom with some new curtains. She spends a lot of time in her room when she's not in school, and she really wants to create a more relaxing and cozy atmosphere where she can unwind after a long day. These nice curtains will be a great addition to her room.

Aubriana is 16 years old and lives in OH

Aubriana is a very sweet and respectful young lady. She manages to keep her grades up while also excelling in track and cheer. Her family suffered a huge loss after the passing of her uncle, with whom she was close. The anniversary of his death is in December so the holidays makes her feel pretty down.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health requests this wish for Aubriana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Aubriana! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy! Keep up the good work in school and with track and cheer! Sincerely, A former cheerleader, 400m runner, and javelin thrower "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health for Aubriana.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health receives the wish!

Aubriana receives the gift from Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health!

"Aubrianna is appreciative of the gift. She loves the addition to her room"

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