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A bed for Zaryna to feel at home in her new room she shares

Posted Jan 18, 2024
Zaryna just moved in with her aunt and is excited to be there. However, she's been having trouble sleeping in her new room. She shares a small room with her 14 year-old-brother and would love to have a larger bed. She hopes to get a bunk bed with a queen-size bed on the bottom so she can have a more spacious bed without taking up too much room in the bedroom. Zaryna and her brother are currently sleeping in two twin beds and they are constantly tripping over items, and feel they have no space. It would mean the world to her if she could feel more comfortable and at home in her new place.

Zaryna is 17 years old and lives in AZ

Zaryna is a clever and confident young lady with a great sense of humor. She currently lives in a kinship home with her younger brother and three other children under the care of her loving aunt. Zaryna has faced some challenges in the past, having spent some time in foster homes, but she doesn't let that get her down. She's working hard to improve her grades and make more friends, and she's always up for a good conversation!

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Zaryna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Venmo grants the wish for Zaryna! Thanks Venmo.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Zaryna.

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services receives the wish!

Zaryna receives the gift from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services!

"Thank you so much for granting Zaryna her bed! She was so excited when her aunt set it up for her. "

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