The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).
Clothes for Dominic to feel stylish
Posted Jan 11, 2024
Dominic doesn't get to go shopping often. He would be so happy to have a little shopping spree and pick out some great new clothes. This little thing will make him so happy and let him explore his style!
Dominic is a sweet, charming, young boy with an infectious smile. He loves to play with Lego's, puzzles, reading, basketball, soccer, being outside, swimming, and horseback riding. Dominic has a sibling who was recently adopted.
The Wish Story
Awesome Human grants the wish for Dominic! Thanks Awesome Human.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Dominic.
Division of Child Protection and Permanency receives the wish!
Dominic receives the gift from Division of Child Protection and Permanency!
"Thank you so very much!"
Want to Help Children Like Dominic?
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Awesome Human grants the wish for Dominic! Thanks Awesome Human.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Dominic.
Division of Child Protection and Permanency receives the wish!
Dominic receives the gift from Division of Child Protection and Permanency!
"Thank you so very much!"