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Pants for Kordea who only has what he's wearing

Posted Jan 19, 2024
Kordea was recently released from an institutional placement and has moved several times. He currently has no clothes besides what he is wearing. He is asking for pants so he can go to school feeling confident and not be bullied by other kids. He is super excited to pick out his clothes with his older brother!

Kordea is 16 years old and lives in KS

Kordea is the second youngest of seven kids. Kordea loves to keep everyone laughing. He loves sports and hanging out with his friends. He is a freshman at a local high school and looks up to his older brother, who is on the varsity football team. Besides being into sports, Kordea is into fashion, shoes, and everything else. He aspires to be a TikTok star influencing the fashion world!

The Wish Story

Jennifer grants the wish for Kordea! Thanks Jennifer.

"Kordea, I hope you get some awesome new clothes that help you feel great. with love, Jen"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Culture Creations Inc for Kordea.

Kordea receives the wish from Culture Creations Inc

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