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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A trip to Target for Benjamin to furnish their new apartment

Posted Jan 29, 2024
In July 2022 Benjamin made the fearless move across the country from NYC to LA to pursue their lifelong dream of acting. They are a multi-faceted creative and self-taught artist who in the past three years, has taught themselves graphic and logo making, textile artistry, and character design. After six months of crashing at a friends house, Ben has securely and safely found housing in their first apartment in Los Angeles! After paying their first months rent and security deposit however, Ben is left with only enough money to buy groceries and necessities for the next two weeks. This gift card will support Ben to be able to buy items for their new space, such as hangers, a lamp, command hooks and hygiene products so they can get their apartment set up as their new home.

Benjamin is 26 years old and lives in CA

After a tumultuous childhood with their birth mother and a few years of shuffling through group homes, Benjamin was finally adopted by their 7th grade teacher when they were 15 years old. This provided them with a sense of safety and security that allowed them to start engaging in their creative interests, where they learned all of the modalities of art that they had yearned to explore. Despite being adopted into a family, however, Benjamin still experiences the adversities of validating their identity and their dreams in order to receive love and support. They dream of a reality where they can exist, create, and love without limitations or conditions.

The Wish Story

OSW Social grants the wish for Benjamin! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jennis Flower for Benjamin.

Benjamin receives the gift from Jennis Flower !

"Thank you incredible human for supporting Ben in furnishing their new apartment! They are so grateful to be able to buy all of the items they want and need to make the space truly their home. "

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