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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A desk and vanity combo for Libertie to get ready for her day and have a space to study

Posted Feb 28, 2024
Libertie will be starting college classes soon and wants this desk and vanity combo for her room at home to help her study and prepare for her day. Currently, she has to sit at the kitchen table to do her homework, and she also must share a bathroom. This vanity/desk combo enables her to study in private in her bedroom each day, away from others and helps her with time management in the mornings. The desk/vanity combination will aid her in getting ready each morning and for studying, making it a utility table for more than one task. She requests this item as something that will help make her life a little bit easier to manage each day.

Libertie is 18 years old and lives in MO

Libertie is a delightful girl who loves hanging out with friends and cheering on her high school football team when she is not working or attending school. She would like to be an attorney one day and help kids like her in the foster care system.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Healthcare requests this wish for Libertie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Libertie! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Healthcare for Libertie.

Libertie receives the gift from Preferred Family Healthcare!

"Thank you so very much for the Amazon gift card! This will help me with study time and prepare for my day!"

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