A video baby monitor for Arianna who is struggling to sleep through the night
Posted Feb 21, 2024
Arianna is an absolute joy and rarely fusses or cries. However, lately, she has been having trouble sleeping, most likely due to recurring ear infections that have been causing her pain and discomfort. It is super important to make sure that Arianna is getting the restful sleep she needs to grow and develop properly. This video monitor will help to watch over Arianna to ensure she is getting restful sleep and can monitor her better when she isn't feeling well. This monitor will allow her caregivers to keep a close eye on her and determine when she needs extra comfort or is struggling and sick. Granting this wish will allow Arianna to continue to thrive!
Jenda Foster Care requests this wish for Arianna.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
OSW Rockstars grants the wish for Arianna! Thanks OSW Rockstars.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jenda Foster Care for Arianna.
Arianna receives the wish from Jenda Foster Care