Teshanna is a super lively young lady with a really bright future ahead of her. Right now, she and her brother are living in kinship care. Teshanna has been through some tough times, but she's a fighter and always manages to overcome any obstacles that come her way. She's a curious soul and loves to ask questions about life and all kinds of situations. Teshanna's exploration skills have helped her learn so much about life already. She's got some big dreams for the future and is lucky to have supportive adults in her life cheering her on.
Urban League of Hudson County requests this wish for Teshanna.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Teshanna! Thanks Awesome Human.
"I grew up with asthma and it can be really annoying not being able to catch you’re breathe. I hope this helps! "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban League of Hudson County for Teshanna.
Teshanna receives the gift from Urban League of Hudson County!
"Teshanna says "thanks a million" to her wish granter for her humidifier. She is sleeping much better now that she breathes easier. "