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A trip to Disney for Cole to experience its magic with his siblings

Posted Feb 16, 2024
Cole and his siblings are currently in out-of-home placement, but their foster family is planning a super fun spring break trip to Disney. They're hoping to take Cole along with them because he's such an important part of their family. In fact, they want to make sure he has the most amazing time possible - a truly magical experience!

Cole is 10 years old and lives in NJ

Cole is a sweet, friendly young man. He has been working very hard at school. and on himself. Cole recently required a replacement away from his brothers. He is adjusting to this change more and more each day. Cole enjoys making others laugh. He loves to be active and has a passion for the outdoors and gaming. Cole likes to be surrounded by his family and friends.

The Wish Story

DCF requests this wish for Cole.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Cole! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the DCF for Cole.

Cole receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Bergen County

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