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About This Wish

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Formula Maker for Tina's first baby

Posted Mar 17, 2024
During Thanksgiving, Tina shared that she was pregnant with her first child. She will be turning 18 soon, and she still plans to go to college to become a nurse. She is serious about making her mother proud after she passed. Being Tina is a young mom, her one wish is to have a formula maker so she can both breastfeed and supplement formula while she's in class. She doesn't know if she will be able to breastfeed her baby while going to school. This has been one of her biggest fears in her pregnancy. This formula maker is her biggest wish because it would alleviate one of her biggest fears.

Tina is 18 years old and lives in NC

Tina has been in foster care for almost 2 years now. She came into care because of Domestic Violence. And then Tina's mother passed from the same DV relationship while she was in care. She's had a rough time and continues to go to therapy for her grief. Although she is currently placed with her aunt, she will be aging out in foster care to ensure she has everything she needs to succeed. She is a determined young woman, who is working currently, and plans to go to college.

The Wish Story

Face It Mom requests this wish for Tina.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Tina! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Face It Mom for Tina.

Tina receives the gift from Face It Mom!

"Thank you so much for granting this wish! You truly blessed Tina and helped prepare her for motherhood!"

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