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About This Wish

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An air fryer for Kendra to cook some quick meals after nursing classes

Posted Feb 16, 2024
Kendra is a hard worker. She is in school for nursing and is also working on getting her phlebotomy certificate. She is working really hard, and some days, she struggles with cooking. An air fryer will make cooking a lot easier for her.

Kendra is 20 years old and lives in NJ

Kendra is an overachiever. She works really hard to complete her goals. Her faith is what motivates and pushes her to keep going no matter what the challenges life throws her way. She is a kind and loving soul. She wants to succeed in all aspects of her life. Kendra desires to help others and love that she can do that in the medical field.

The Wish Story

Care Plus Nj requests this wish for Kendra.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kendra! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Keep up the hard work!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Care Plus Nj for Kendra.

Kendra receives the wish from CarePlus NJ

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