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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Luggage set for Shiloh to move his belongings

Posted Feb 20, 2024
Shiloh has items that need to be moved out of storage now that he is an adult. Everything is in trash bags, and Shiloh would like a better solution for keeping his things together. He is asking for a set of luggage that he can use to move if he decides to take a trip. Shiloh is hoping he can also use the luggage set in the future to see other parts of the world and explore life.

Shiloh is 19 years old and lives in NM

Shiloh has faced a lot of struggles in his young life. Despite these challenges, Shiloh is working to make his life better. He is working on getting his GED so he can enter a higher education program. Shiloh knows that education will help him get further in life and in his chosen career.

The Wish Story

Children, Youth, and Families Department requests this wish for Shiloh.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Catherine grants the wish for Shiloh! Thanks Catherine.

"Hi, Shiloh! May you this luggage be a start to many wonderful adventures for you."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - Bernalillo County for Shiloh.

NM CYFD - Bernalillo County receives the wish!

Shiloh receives the gift from NM CYFD - Bernalillo County!

"Thank-you, Catherine!! This is going to allow Shiloh to transport his belongings without having to use trash bags. You are wonderfully appreciated! :)"

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