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Reliable laptop for Sammie to use for her online classes

Posted Feb 23, 2024
Sammie is currently enrolled in an online school and is making great progress towards graduating from high school in just in December 2024. However, her laptop is outdated and unreliable, which can cause her a lot of stress and frustration. As a result, Sammie often has to switch between working on her phone or borrowing a laptop from a friend, both of which are not ideal for completing school work efficiently. It would make a huge difference for Sammie to have her own reliable laptop that she can depend on to help her complete assignments and stay on track with her studies.

Sammie is 20 years old and lives in AZ

Sammie is a sweet young lady who is mature and responsible beyond her years. Sammie has been in care since she was 14 years old. She hoped that she would be able to be reunited with her mother but unfortunately that did not happen for her. Sammie is now in the young adult living program. She works hard and has achieved many goals in a short amount of time. Sammie has her own little home, is in school full time and is working part time. Her goals are to earn her high school diploma, get her driver's license, and buy a car. In her spare time, Sammie likes to play with her dog, write in her journal and draw.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care & Adoptions requests this wish for Sammie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Sammie! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Wishing you good luck!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care & Adoptions for Sammie.

Grace Retreat Foster Care & Adoptions receives the wish!

Sammie receives the gift from Grace Retreat Foster Care & Adoptions!

"Thank you so much for Sammie's laptop. She is so excited and grateful for your generosity. "

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