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Assistance with Rear Struts for her Recently Rear Ended Car

Posted Mar 25, 2024
Dhanayah recently was rear-ended and that caused some unexpected bills, this community was so wonderful and helped her pay for her inspection. But once she completed that the mechanic discovered that she needed new rear struts. They have offered to allow her to pay over a month on it, and Dhanayah is hoping to get assistance getting her car back to 100%

Dhanayah is 21 years old and lives in PA

Dhanayah is, first and foremost, a strong young woman, and second, she is a sister to her siblings. She has worked hard to get to a college program she loves and holds a part-time job. She is approaching aging out of foster care and lives independently in her apartment. She is artistic and loves animals. Dhanayah is very bonded with her former foster mother and her bio-siblings, who are all over the state.

The Wish Story

Guardian ad litem PA requests this wish for Dhanayah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Betty and Bud Fund grants the wish for Dhanayah! Thanks Betty and Bud Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Guardian ad litem PA for Dhanayah.

Dhanayah receives the wish from Guardian ad litem PA

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