Sophia is a driven, passionate, and caring young adult. She has been in care for several years and has worked hard to stay positive and be the best she can be despite her circumstances. Sophia is currently living in her own apartment through a transitional living program. She is employed, has her license, and has a high school diploma. She is trying hard to save money and learn how to support herself independently. Sophia currently has little support outside of her transitional living program and, as such, may need help from the community now and then.
MO DSS Children's Division - Cass County requests this wish for Sophia.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Sophia! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Sophia, I hope this is helpful to you, and you find more helpful people along the way. Best wishes to you ❤️ Heather"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MO DSS Children's Division - Cass County for Sophia.
Sophia receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - Cass County