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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Gas assistance for Bobby to get to work and school

Posted Mar 13, 2024
Bobby has been running his own business for over a year but has seen a decline in clientele. He has already found separate employment to compensate for the lack of income he has been receiving from his business. He is currently the sole provider for himself and his wife, who is expecting their first child. He is also a part-time student, working towards earning his business degree to assist him in pursuing and running his own business. This gas gift card would greatly assist him with transportation expenses to work and school.

Bobby is 24 years old and lives in UT

Bobby was in the system until his 18th birthday and got married at a very young age, experienced homelessness, and many other challenges. But through all that, he was able to start his own business that he is still working on putting together. He is currently going to higher ED for business management. He is working to become his best self.

The Wish Story

1999 Collective requests this wish for Bobby.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Bobby! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the 1999 Collective for Bobby.

Bobby receives the gift from 1999 Collective !

"Thank you, sincerely, for offering a new beginning and a beacon of hope to a human in need of a renewed faith in humanity. This donation is more than a simple act of kindness. Your outpouring of support for this young person is something they will remember for years to come. Thank YOU! "

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