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About This Wish

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Laptop for Estevan to complete his high school diploma

Posted Mar 15, 2024
Estevan truly wants to give back to the community and wants to better his education. He would benefit from having his own laptop so he could do his schoolwork at his own pace. Having a laptop would allow Estevan to complete his schooling at his current placement without trying to get to the library or schedule time to borrow a staff laptop. Estevan would be less stressed about his work if he could complete it on his own computer. He stated he had never had his own and that having his own laptop would be cool.

Estevan is 17 years old and lives in NM

Estevan is an amazing young man with great resilience. He was in foster care since he was eight and had several placements within that time. Estevan wishes to complete his online schooling and then go on to Job Corps. He has a great sense of humor and continues to advocate for what is best for him. He has been dealt a rough hand in life, but that does not stop him from pushing through to be a good person and citizen. Estevan enjoys sports and helping with the chickens at his current placement.

The Wish Story

NM CYFD - Sandoval County requests this wish for Estevan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Estevan! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Estevan, Keep up the good work!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - Sandoval County for Estevan.

Estevan receives the wish from NM CYFD - Sandoval County

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