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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Shopping at Target for Jazira who is in need of personal hygiene items

Posted Mar 15, 2024
Jazira recently moved in with her sister. She has applied to jobs but has yet to have any luck landing one. To relieve some financial pressure on her sister, Jazira would like to have a gift card so she can buy some essential things she needs, such as shampoo, conditioner, face wash, soap, deodorant, and makeup. This wish was broken into two parts, to allow for an amazing shopping experience. This is wish 2 of 2.

Jazira is 17 years old and lives in WA

Jazira enjoys to bake and cook, and she is considering going into the culinary arts after high school. Jazira loves to hang out with her friends. Jazira likes to go to the beach or the river. Jazira collects Native American art. Jazira is very proud of her culture.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jazira! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Jazira, I hope this helps give you some independence & takes a little stress off your sister. Searching for a job can be tiring but stick with it! You'll find something. I recently watched the series Reservation Dogs and it made me want to find Native American cuisine in my area (I wanted fry bread, lol). I live in San Diego and there was nothing! If you do pursue a culinary career, it could be an amazing way to share the art of your cultures cuisine that currently seems largely unknown. Liz"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the WA DCYF - Aberdeen County for Jazira.

WA DCYF - Aberdeen County receives the wish!

Jazira receives the gift from WA DCYF - Aberdeen County!

"Thank you, Liz, for granting Jazira's wish. Jazira loves to bake and cook, and fry bread is one of her favorite foods."

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