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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Jersey Mike's for Anthony to eat quickly after practice

Posted Mar 25, 2024
Anthony practices basketball after school at the YMCA. Anthony is a very good player and has a great chance of joining the college team in the fall, so he's constantly working toward this goal. Anthony gets home late from practice, usually after dinnertime. He asked for a Jersey Mike's gift card to grab dinner in the evenings when he has practice. Anthony loves McDonald's and Jersey Mike's Subs.

Anthony is 19 years old and lives in VA

Anthony is an amazing athlete who was placed in foster care separately from his younger sibling. He is currently placed in the home of his great-grandmother in a kinship placement. Anthony loves to play football, basketball, and baseball. He has played varsity for the last school he attended. Anthony is trying to work hard in school and hopes to be able to join the basketball and football teams. Anthony loves visitation days, and he hopes he and his sibling can return home one day.

The Wish Story

VA DSS - Chesapeake City County requests this wish for Anthony.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

John grants the wish for Anthony! Thanks John.

"You are the Best! Best wishes!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the VA DSS - Chesapeake City County for Anthony.

Anthony receives the gift from VA DSS - Chesapeake City County!

"Thank you !"

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