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Noise cancelling headphones for Alex to help her focus

Posted Apr 4, 2024
Alex has been experiencing difficulties in paying attention during her classes due to loud noises that distract her, making it hard for her to focus. Recently, she has been diagnosed with autism, and it has been suggested that the best way to help her is to find a way to block out the noise so that she can concentrate better on her work. Noise-canceling headphones will do just that. They will not only help her stay focused on her work but also keep her calm and relaxed.

Alex is 12 years old and lives in AZ

Alex is a very bubbly and outgoing little girl who loves to be the life of the party. She loves to be the center of attention and enjoys people. She is the oldest of a sibling set of 3. And she was the main caregiver for her younger sisters while with her biological family. Alex struggles being separated from her siblings.

The Wish Story

AZ DCS - Mohave County requests this wish for Alex.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Alex! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hey, Alex, I hope these help! Noise when I'm trying to work bothers me, too!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the AZ DCS - Mohave County for Alex.

Alex receives the gift from AZ DCS - Mohave County!

"thank you so very much Alex loves her new headphones"

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