Sensory-friendly fort building play mat for Alex who has high sensory needs
Posted Apr 15, 2024
Alex has many sensory needs. His balance is poor, and he has seizures. Another challenge of Alex’s is he is on the autism spectrum, so he doesn’t play the way typical children his age might. Instead, he acts like a younger child. Having a super fun but safe fort set like this will bring him hours of fun! Since it is made of cushions, he can play safely while using his imagination! The fact that he can safely play in the space and use his imagination will allow him to continue to grow and develop! His OT specialist said this specific set is great because it can be reconfigured and doesn’t block out all light. One thing that scares Alex is the dark. His fort can become his special place to calm himself!
Fostering Hope - Bucks requests this wish for Alex.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Alex! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Hi Alex, I hope you’re dreams come true!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Fostering Hope - Bucks for Alex.
Fostering Hope - Bucks receives the wish!
Alex receives the gift from Fostering Hope - Bucks!
"We got to drop this off to Alex today and to say he was excited is an understatement! His face lit up with a big smile and as soon as it was built he was off playing! Thank you for making a difference to this special boy! "